Share Some Comfort and Joy at Our Dec. 18 Open House!

Please join us as we gather to celebrate the season and give back to our neighbors in need! We’ll enjoy some delicious holiday refreshments, (masked) conviviality, and share our bounty with families in our community with donations to St. Philip’s Baby Pantry and Benzie Food Partners.

It’s all happening on Saturday, Dec. 18, from 10 am to 4 pm at Benzie Dems headquarters, 9930 Benzie Hwy, next to the Cherry Bowl Drive in.

Both organizations have provided a wish list of their most needed items:

St. Philip’s Baby Pantry Needs:
Diapers, sizes 4,5,6
Pull-Ups, sizes 3-4T and 4-5T
Underwear, 2/3 T and 4/6 T
Winter Clothing sizes 2,3,4,5T
Sippy cups
Toddler bowls/plates
Hooded bath towels

Benzie Food Partners Food Bank Needs:
Canned fruits, vegetables, fish, meats, sauces and soups
Cold & hot cereals
Peanut butter
Baking supplies

Or better yet simply write checks and we’ll pass them along.

So please SAVE THE DATE and join us for some holiday JOY, and to share some our COMFORTS with others in the true spirt of Benzie Dems!

Donate to the Benzie Dems

We accept donations by a secure online credit card payment option via ActBlue.

If you'd rather donate by check, mail it to the address on our Membership Form. Please print, fill out and send along our MAIL-IN MEMBERSHIP FORM

Benzie Democrats Calendar
