Month: May 2022

  • Our Votes ARE Secure!

    The endless media coverage about the 2020 election may have you wondering about the integrity and security of our voting system. There is no reason to be concerned — and…

  • Support Benzie Broadband

    For a detailed look at the status of broadband in Benzie County, as well as a call-to-action to make sure our Board of Commissioners take the right actions to ensure…

  • Great Reasons to Stop by Benzie Dems HQ

    There are a lot of great reasons to stop by Benzie County Democratic Headquarters!  We have accurate information on local issues and actions.  We host many fun events throughout the…

Donate to the Benzie Dems

We accept donations by a secure online credit card payment option via ActBlue.

If you'd rather donate by check, mail it to the address on our Membership Form. Please print, fill out and send along our MAIL-IN MEMBERSHIP FORM

Benzie Democrats Calendar
