Homestead Township

May 8, 2023 — Homestead Township regular Board Meeting

Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pmat the Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy.

Present : Bev Holbrook, Mike Mead, Karen Mallon, Shannon Purchase and Tia Cooley

Public Comment: Levi from Cherry Capital Communications, shared that they have received a grant to serve underserved and unserved areas with high speed, fiber optic internet. They will cover ¾ of the township at a fixed price with 4 levels of service. Board members signed an agreement to go ahead. There is an additional request, concerning a site to place their hub (8×10 hut) and will lease the 20 x 20’ land it will sit on in exchange for free Gig x Gig service for the township building. Several sites on the property were discussed. Cherry Capital also needs a staging area for their large equipment which would be temporary. Again, several sites were discussed. The board will follow up with the company.


Assessor, Kit Wilson: Summer tax bills are the next project. March board of review went well. There have been 44 sales of homes/properties in Homestead Township since January 24th 2024.

Parks, Shannon: Two bids were received from Westcott and Rayner (Masonry Companies), for fixing masonry and stairs at the ball park. Best bid was from Rayner’s. Money approved to go ahead. There is an osprey nest on a light pole in the park. The township will check on how to deal with park use so as to not disturb the nesting process. The zero turn mower will be sold because it’s too costly to fix.

Parks, HARP: 30 people were at the clean-up and pruned the witches’ broom on the blueberry plants. Posts are installed for future signs. May 18th is the park’s grand opening. An Audubon walk happened today and a botany tour is on Friday the 10th to take a plant inventory.

Planning Report from Trustee Mike Mead: There are now 4 people on the planning commission, with Mary Hahn expressing interest to be the 5th member. John Handcock is chair.

Fire Chief Tim Markey: Reported 115 runs to date. Tanker #2, a 1998 GMC which holds 2,000 gallons, will be offered for sale at an auction site. It hasn’t been used much and the newer tanker is almost exclusively used. Mike Mead has announced his retirement from the Fire Department.

County Commissioner, Tim Markey: Hiring of another corrections officer has been approved. $3,000 opioid money is being spent on educational speakers in the school.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm

Next homestead Township Regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday June 12th 2024.

If you have not been to the Homestead Township website;, check it out. It has been updated and is very informative.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

April 10th, 2024 — Homestead Township regular Board Meeting Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pm at the Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy.

Present: Marvin Radtke, Tia Cooley, Mike Mead, Beverly Holbrook, Shannon Purchase. Absent: Karen Mallon


HARP-(Honor Area Restoration Project): Signage is up. Cleanup of the Park was scheduled for Saturday April 20 – trim blueberries and general clean-up from 9:00 – Noon.

Ball Park: Bathrooms open; need to fix or rebuild walls at the concession stand; dugout needs replacement stairs and roof. Westcott submitted partial estimate but want to get one including all repairs.  New mower needed and one needs repair.

Planning: Last meeting cancelled for lack of a quorum. Next meeting was on April 15th.

County Commission, Tim Markey. Redo solid waste plan – to partner with neighboring counties on this. Update: Elevator that was mandated by the state, will cost $130,000.

Fire Department: 80 runs. Fire danger high; have quotes for new helmets; last payment was made for the new fire truck.

Old/New Business:

Fire Millage on Ballot: The millage passed. Will explain on the township website to educate public that they are combining 2 millages.

ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals) Members: Will serve until January of 2027. So far John O., Beverly Holbrook and Adam have stepped forward. They need 5 people plus 2 alternates.

Park and Building Maintenance Position: Hourly position. Shannon’s son might want the job. Need to make a master list of jobs to be included in building/park maintenance.

Public Comment: One question from an Honor resident asking how the Dollar General got sited? Board clarified that it is zoned commercial and they couldn’t stop it. Tia suggested that more people need to get involved by coming to meetings and get on planning commission to affect change. Also we need a master plan update. Not many people came to the planning input meetings from last year.

Next homestead Township Regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday May 8th 2024.

If you have not been to the Homestead Township website;, check it out. It has been updated and is very informative.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]


January 10, 2024 — Homestead Township Regular Board Meeting

 Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pm at the Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy.

Call to Order: Bev Holbrook, Shannon Purchase, Tia Cooley, Mike Mead, Karen Mallen – all present

425 Public Hearing to extend sewer: Two men representing Dollar General were present to answer questions and provide site plans. The township and the Village of Honor have agreed to extend sewage lines to service it, as the property is a wetland, at the developer’s expense. They still need DEQ permits to site it at this location. The proposed property is along US 31 and Goose Road, next to JoMo’s Ice Cream.


Zoning: Marvin Radtke: 33 permits in 2023 with 7 pending. HARP Park is being added into Parks and Rec. heading. Green energy (wind turbines) needs a 250 acre minimum for local utilities to get involved. This is not ruling out utilities from out of our area who could develop a plan with fewer acres. A ballot proposal to do away with property tax is going to the Board of Canvassers for approval in February. Concern that there is no provision or plan to make up lost revenue if this happens.

Veterans and Poverty exemptions for property tax are newly updated by the state. Board will try and disseminate this new information to those who might qualify. Poverty Exemption Limits are increased to Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Assessor: Kit Wilson: 40 vacant and 80 occupied sales in 2023. Equalization statements will be sent out soon.

Parks: Bids for building an overlook at the HARP Park will be out in March. A proposed walkway to the Park from downtown will need private property owners OK. Safety crossing of US 31 a concern.

County Commissioner Tim Markey: Open house in February. Markey is Vice Chair and Roloff is Chair for 2024. A ceremony was held honoring Judge Kida for establishing a drug court.

Fire: Tim Markey: 331 runs in 2023. Pancake breakfasts will be held, probably 2 Sundays before and 2 Sundays after Easter.

Planning: Changing some areas of the township to High Density (1 acre minimum) in the southeast part of the township. This area is close to an abundance of state land.

Payables: $924 for postage for the 2024 assessment change notices. Early voting notices will go out by the end of the month. 2200 voters including printing and postage, $1,200. Benzonia Library – $5,000 this year.

Old/New Business:

Headlee Reset – resolution passed to support putting it on the ballot. 1982 was the last reset.

Clerk: Motion passed for the Clerk to be compensated $250/month/year extra in place of previously paid $500/election.

Sign for the Township building – needs a brick base that wasn’t included in the original bid. Will try Novak .Consumers Electric Franchise Agreement – right of way for equipment, etc., was signed.

Submitted by: Judy Bosma

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

December 13, 2023 — Homestead Township Regular Board Meeting

Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pmat the Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy.

Call to order: 6:02pm


Roll Call: all members in attendance.

Consent Agenda: approved

Minutes: All Approved

Correspondence- BS&A, Engineer, RP19, Grant Extension, GLFT extension, PRP Meeting, CD

Renewal – 6-2-24

Financial Reports

Written Reports

Park and Rec Public comment: None

Public Comment: None


Assessor: Board of Review received 1 poverty exemption. PA 151,152,153 will now allow assessors to approve exemptions not board of review. Assessors are mandated to attend upcoming training.

There will be a 5% increase in Taxable values per the State and Federal governments.

Assessor has been out completing new construction inspections.

Parks and Recreation: AJ’s need to do better job plowing.

Platte Park construction is done for the year. Paving will in the park will begin around May 15, 2024.

Planning committee:

Recommends terminating contract with Wade Trim. Committee states they are working off the wrong maps and will not change them. Committee recommends hiring M&R. They will get a quote. Board agreed to terminate the contract for 20-year Master Plan.

County Commissioner: The board of commissioners had a presentation on a housing needs assessment pilot program on medium income and multi-family units like the one in Honor.

Sheriff building addition is going well.

Board members are discussing Headlee Resolution with community and have pamphlets available.

Fire Chief: Department had 313 runs so far for the year. Annual maintenance of fire equipment completed.

Township people applied for fire department. One fire fighter and one wildfire ground support. Both have been interviewed and background checked complete. Chief would like approval from the Board to hire them. Board Approved.

All Reports approved by Board.

Payables: All Approved

County Treasure $2,380 for taxes and postage.

Pioneer Group $58.00

Westshore Fire Equipment $4,000

Honor Building Supply for park and recreation

Old/New Business: Public Act 425 to extend sewer past Mojos’ will need public hearing. It will be scheduled and advertised in the newspaper. Honor Village has already approved.

Per new voting regulations: Early voting Precincts must be identified. Announcement will be to be put into the newspapers.

Metro Act Permit: Eclipse Communications applied for public right away. Board approved.

Public Comment: Homeowners from Alysworth Rd (seasonal part), would like to ask board for help with the Benzie County Road Commission to improve and upgrade the road and have plowing. There is a lot more traffic going down the road even though it is technically seasonal. More people have moved into their homes permanently.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:52pm

Respectfully submitted by Teresa Peiffer

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

November 8, 2023 — Homestead Township regular Board Meeting

Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pm at the Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy.

Call to order at 6:00pm: All board members present


$40,000 earmarked for new sign for the building – passed an additional $2,000 to cover the electricity to the sign.

Assessor: New assessments in residential class will go out the first week of February.

Parks: HARP project has first coat of blacktop and will try to get a second coat on yet this fall. Rain garden will be planted now. The two gates will be locked for winter and signs will be posted to release the township of any liability.

In January, bids will be put out for the demolition of Platte River School.

County Commission: All of Homestead is covered by Spectrum/Charter.  (Eclipse is supposedly cheaper!)

Fire Department: 278 runs to date. The department wants to fund an expansion of the building out to the current recycling bins. Wording for the mileage is important. The department will need to upgrade equipment, possibly with grant money.

Headley Amendment: “Reset” will put more resources into the county. May be put on the ballot in August. Some say it will be a hard sell, unless the benefits of uncapping are clearly stated.

Roads: Estimate of $170,000 to re-engineer and pave Covey Rd (only ¼ of the road but the steepest part). Township is responsible for half. The study plan is $4200. Will look into engineering for all of the road for a cost savings and do the rest of the road later. Tia will meet with the Road Commission to discuss further.

Snowplowing: Bids open. AJ’s awarded at $90 for 3 inches of snow.

Treasurer: Bev Holbrook is now the Treasurer. Pat Delorme is now the Assistant Treasurer. Bev and Karen Mallon will handle internal transfers of money with a form to authenticate between Bev and Karen.

Zoning: Marvin Radke was at the meeting with a draft noise ordinance. He researched surrounding counties’ noise ordinances and crafted his to also include “animals” – not specifying which ones, and “reasonable person” clause instead of using decibel readings. Tom Greer will be asked to peruse it and make changes if necessary. Tabled till next meeting.

Public Comment: Margaret Balough, regarding a barking dog issue. The sheriff’s department will not get involved. Hoping for recourse with the new ordinance.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm

Next homestead Township Regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday December 12th.

If you have not been to the Homestead Township website;, check it out. It has been updated and is very informative.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

October 11th, 2023 — Homestead Township Regular Board Meeting

Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pmat the Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy.

Call to order: 6:02pm

Pledge & Roll Call: all members in attendance.

Approval of Agenda & Minutes: approved

Public comment: Troy Hine introduced himself as new road commission manager.


Zoning Administrator: Lots of inquiries for permits. Marvin had meeting with County Commissioners and Chief about available grants. Lots of phone calls coming in (12-14) daily.

Township cannot supersede the State of Michigan concerning alternative energy. The State has control.


Cleaning up personal property taxes.

Confirming inspections on new constructions and building permits through July.

Board of Review will be Dec. 12th. Sending follow-up letter and paperwork to potential exemptions from July meeting. Three new veteran’s exemptions received.


Platte River Park:

Kayak launch will be removed before ice starts. Brush pile will be burned on Saturday in conjunction with Fire Dept. training. Working on the gates for the park. Gates will be designed so bikes and people will be able to walk around. Should be in by mid-November.

Homestead Township Park:

It is well used. Water for the bathrooms and sprinkler system will be shut off at the end of the month. Picnic tables will be moved under pavilion for the winter.

Lawn equipment will go in for service this month.

Planning Committee:

Maps from Wade Trim do not match current maps. Will be getting new maps for Master Plan. Next Monday Planning Commission should be voting on the Master plan. Will then go to the full board & then for Public comment.

Fire Chief: Department had 257 runs so far for the year. Training will be on 10/21/23.

County Commissioner: Working on Opioid fund. Sparks grant of $400,000 to Betsie Valley Trail to pave path to Case Rd.

Treasurer Report: Working with Clerk and Honor bank to correct bank account error.

Clerk Report: Road Commission will be paying for next elections. Getting new box for absentee ballots. Working on Plan for Early voting in 2024.

Board voted not to refund a deposit for hall as it was not cleaned up at end of an event.

All Reports were approved by the board.

Budget Amendment: None

Finance Payables:

A.J.’s Bill for Park River Park.

2 Hall rental security deposits refunded

Repair for window in that room $550

All approved

Old/New Business:

New Digital sign was approved for $40,000.

New phone system approved for Spectrum $331 monthly.

Park and Recreation plan will need an update for 2024 thru 2028.

Clerk will post bid for snowplowing

Announcements: None

Public Comment: None

Meeting Adjourned at 8:00pm

Next homestead Township Regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday November 8th.

If you have not been to the Homestead Township website;, check it out. It has been updated and is very informative.

Respectfully submitted by Teresa Pfeiffer

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

July 12, 2023 — Homestead Township Regular Board Meeting
Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pm
at the Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy.
Called to order at 6:00pm
Pledge Allegiance
Roll Call: All members present
Approval of minutes: Approved
Public Comment:
Township resident is having issues with Covey Rd. Tia will be attending Road Commission meeting.
Resident from Deer Valley Road complaining of person living in tent and having 7 large dogs chained to trees. Dogs bark constantly from 7:30pm until about 1:30am while residents appear to be away. There is lots of trash and a junk vehicle. The area is starting to smell.
Resident would like to know when recycle bins are emptied. All seem to be full every day. Would like schedule of day when they are emptied. Board responded the recycling bins are the responsibility of the County. A board member will follow up with the County.
County Building Department concerned about silt screen at Platte River Park. Tia will contact Ingemar.
Zoning Administrator: Absent.
Gunnar will be starting Sales Study. Will also be starting inspections and land values.
Parks and Recreation:
All is going well at ball fields. One toilet needs repair. Getting quotes from Spectrum for internet and cameras for park.
Platte River Park:
Need to have gates put back up on park entrance, park is not open yet. Kayak and fishing docks will be installed this month.
Awarded $10,000 from Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians for the park.
Planning Commission:
No meeting in June. Next meeting will July 17th.
County Commissioner:
Will be receiving Opioid settlement money for EMS/Animal Control.
Will be conducting staff analysis for staffing of county jail.
On August 8th, there will be a public hearing on lean & green “PACE” for county loan money.
Commission is working on 2023-2024 budget.
County is doing a pilot program for Infant in the workplace.
Fire Chief:
Fire Dept. will be assisting with Ironman in September.
Fire Dept. will join MABIS. It is a mutual aid agreement for Statewide assistance.
Fire Dept. participated in the Wexford wildfire. Brush truck worked great.
Had a clerical error which will be corrected next month.
Tax monies are coming and getting very busy.
Summer tax bills balanced without issues.
There will be and election Nov. 8th for County Road Commission. Early voting will run 9 days prior. Will have to have 4 staff at the Township Hall for each day of voting. State is supposed to reimburse for staffing.
Insurances are up for renewal.
Well Drilling Co. for park
BNB Fire for Fire Department inspections
Post Office Box.
All approved.
Old/New Business
There was an opening on the Planning Commission and Wayne Corbett was approved to be new member.
Gunnar (Assessor):
Requested a 1 year leave of absence for job-related continued education. Katheryn (Kit) will be interim assessor during his absence. This will be effective August 1st.
Sewer Extension:
A Building Contractor sent a draft of a 425. They would like the Township and the Village of Honor to enter an agreement to work together on project. The board voted not to sign agreement until a sewer capacity study is established.
Payroll taxes:
The Clerk sent all pertinent tax information to the State because the State said the Township owed $1,900 for delinquent taxes. Taxes were paid, and this has been corrected by the State.
Public comment: None
Adjourned at 7:52pm.
Respectfully submitted by Teresa Peiffer
ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

 June 14, 2023 — Homestead Township Board Meeting

Monthly Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of the month at 6pm
Township Hall 11508 Honor Hwy

Call to order: 6:01pm


Roll Call: all members in attendance.

Approval of Agenda: approved

Approval of Minutes: approved

Public comment:
Rob Moore:
Looking for help for his road. Dirt and gravel coming down hill. He has talked to road commissioner. Tia will reach out to road commissioner.

Correspondence: Clerk Mallon received F-65 audit up coming.


Zoning Administrator: None

Assessor Gunnar Brow:
May was uneventful. He will be starting Land Values by the end of month. New sales looking up. 56 added new sales. Land is moving. He will begin inspection of 2022 permits. He has 46 open permits. 2023 permits will be later in the year.

Parks and Recreation:
Platte River Park is close to starting kayak launch. Pit toilets are in and locked at this time. Entrance to park from US 31 came in at $700,000. Received a grant for $108,000 from fisheries for HARP.

Well has been repaired at the township park. Bathrooms are up and running. 4 windows have been broken in bathrooms.

Ballfields are well used and in good shape. 3 kid’s teams, 5 women & 5 men’s teams. Sprinkles are working.

John Deere tractor quit working, going in for repair.

Fire Chief:
All physicals are done. Warranty work completed on Fire Engine. Fire Chief would like to promote Matt Johnson to lieutenant. Approved by board.

Fire Chief would like to thank Mike Mead for is work as EMS. He will be stepping down as EMS but will continue participating in fire dept.

Applied for grant on fire equipment but did not receive grant. Will continue to look for grants.

County Commissioner:
Approved Betsie Valley Trail to pave from Beulah to Case Rd. Will have to done in sections due to cost of material special material for snowmobiles.

Sheriff Dept. has Full Body Scanner up and running.

Village of Honor will have 10 hours a month road patrol.

Treasurer Report:
BS&A program is having issues transferring monies from one account to another. We need more training. Clerk Mallon agrees w/ Treasurer, more training is needed.

Clerk Report:
Requesting that assistance treasurer work with her on BS&A.

All reports approved.


Fire equipment, fire vehicle inspection, phone bill, MTA annual dues.

All approved

Old/New Business:

Pickleball courts. Lakeside Pickleball Group is looking for more pickleball courts is our area, indoor and outdoor. Fastest growing sport in America. Township Board states addition of pickleball and basketball courts are in
5-year plan.

A company (Dollar General) would like the Township and Honor Village to agree to sewer expansion on the lot for sale next to Jomo’s. This was tabled so more information can be gathered.

Board approved COHO Festival to use Township Park for some events.

Public Comment: None

Meeting Adjourned at 8:49pm

Respectfully submitted by Teresa Peiffer

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

May 10, 2023 —  Township Regular Board Meeting
Township Meetings are held on the1st Monday of the month at 6pm
Township Hall, 11508 Honor Hwy, Honor, MI 49640

Present: Karen Mallon, Clerk; Tia Cooley, Supervisor; Pat Delorme, Treasurer; Bev Hollbrook, Deputy Treasurer; Mike Mead, Trustee. Absent: Shannon Purchase, Trustee.

May 23rd is a Planning Commission Conference from 5:30 – 8 at East Bay Township Hall. Some expressed interest in going.


Zoning Administrator Mark Radtke:
Cinder Rd and Maple Rd. needs work. New warrant out for Rob Schneider who operated a drug house in the township and is now out of prison. His house sold but the new owners are asking the Township for help with clean-up/dump runs. Township is not interested but let owners know of up-coming free dump days in May and September.

Assessor Gunnar Brow: No report

Parks and Recreation:
2 members of HARP, Bill Ward and another gentlemen stated that Phase 2 of the new park has started – installation of pit toilet, path to blueberry patch, 2nd coat of asphalt, fishing dock. HARP needs the Township to sign off to get grant money. A check was in hand for partial payment, which covers $1500 for a rain garden, $325,000 to Elmers and $309,000 for AJs.

Planning :
Working on Master Plan and updating bylaws.

County Commissioner Tim Markey:
Reported that $20,000 is available for the drug court program. They disbanded the EMS Advisory Board and the Housing Commission. The Community Action Agency will administer the fund for low-income home repairs. The audit of the County came back with a rating of highest confidence (!)

Fire Chief Tim Markey:
A new EMS responder has been hired. Would like to purchase Foam Backpacks with 90% paid by the county and 10% being paid by the township. They’re good for car fires, brush fires and decontamination. Police patrol for the Village of Honor approved.

Treasurer Bev Holbrook:
Checks issued by the township will now say Void after 90 days, starting June 1.

Clerk Karen Mallon:
There is a “rumor” of a November election. With the new elections laws passed it will require 9 days of early voting and purchasing by the township of new supplies, plus staffing this. Need discussed for a budget adjustment for 2023-24 voting needs. There are 2,800 registered voters in the township.

Old/New Busines:
The county will charge $2,400 each time for brining the 18+ miles of roads in the township. This will be done twice this summer. Henry and Covey Rds. continue to have erosion problems. They will contact the Road Commission for a more permanent solution.

FREE TOWNSHIP CLEANUP: Saturday, May 20 8am–Noon–behind the Road Commission.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

April 12, 2023 — Homestead Township Regular Board Meeting
Called to order at 6:04pm
Pledge Allegiance
Roll Call: Mike Mead and Tim Markey absent due to fire run
Approval of minutes: Approved
Public Comment: None
Correspondence: None
Zoning Administrator Marvin Radtke:
Absent, Report read. He is working with planning commission on Master plan.
Assessor Gunnar Brow:
Absent, report read. Had 26 tax appeals. 3 appeals were tabled for the July/December meeting.
Parks and Recreation Shannon Purchase:
Water will be turned on in restrooms this week. Batting cages will only be open on Tuesday and Thursday when women and men games are going on. Public wants basketball and pickle ball court. They are schedule for this year. Benching will be put out this week in the park. Lawn mower needs repair.
Platte River Park:
Had price increases. Kayak launch, fishing area, pit toilets and trail to blueberry patch are on target to be open by July 4th. Second coat of asphalt will not go on until a big equipment is gone.
Planning Commission:
Continue working on Master Plan. Should be ready by August.
County Commissioner Tim Markey:
Report read. Update on The Maples, 22 families being served. Staff is growing. Two deputies graduated from academy. Added new canine as Rexo is retiring. Sheriff Department is getting a body scanner for the jail.
Fire Chief Tim Markey:
Was out on wildfire run. The Fire Department is getting ready for wild fire season and have already had two calls for wildfire. Pancake breakfast went well.
Treasurer Patricia DeLorme:
Reviewed bank statements.
Clerk Karen Mallon:
New BSNA program reports will look different. Clerk should do reconciliation. Mary Geeting cannot work much. Paul (clerks’ husband) is going to help. He went through BSNA training. General Fund needs balancing; off by $200.
State of Michigan states Township did not pay 2021 payroll taxes. SOM states Township owes $5000. Clerk looking why they did not get check.
Payables: All approved
Fire dept. equipment
Record Eagle
Old/New Business
Platte River Park grant amendment
Platte River Park Insurance requirements – Park Committee, cost increase?
BCRC/Sleeping Bear Gateway Council housing
Homestead Park opening date
Road projects
Sleeping Bear Gateway Counsel:
Looking at turning the BCRC building, (old Platte River Grade School) into workforce housing/ Recreation Center. Need support from Township board in support of possible project. This letter of support, would be submitted at the next School Board meeting. SBGC already has a letter of support from the Village of Honor. Township board approved resolution.
Road projects:
Brownell road project is more expensive than anticipated. Will more likely than not put off until next year.
Township Board approves Deadstream Rd to be resurfaced with matching funds.
Announcements: None
Public Comments: None
Adjournment: 7:33pm
Respectfully submitted by Teresa Peiffer
ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Below is in-depth explanation of the Sleeping Bear Gateway Council proposal to turn the BCRC building, (old Platte River Grade School) into workforce housing/ Recreation Center.
Sleeping Bear Gateways Council
The Sleeping Bear Gateways Council (SBGC) is a 501c-3 non-profit working toward the betterment of all stakeholders in the gateway communities of northern Benzie and southern Leelanau Counties.
SBGC’s Vision is “That the unique character of our gateway communities and regional natural resources remain undiminished for the benefit of its citizens, visitors, economy, and environment” and its Mission is “To facilitate stakeholder collaboration to enhance sustainable gateway communities.”
SBGC is currently working on three projects: Workforce Housing (Housing), a Benzie County Visitors’ Center (BVC) and Community Leadership Engagement (CLE).
Our Housing project has three main strategies at this time:
1. An online housing exchange to identify potential spaces/landlords for seasonal workforce housing,
2.Greenfield development of permanent and seasonal workforce housing (including potential pads for workcampers)
3. Repurpose/re-use vacant buildings along transportation corridors with existing infrastructure.
Platte River Elementary School Repurposing Project
The Benzie County Road Commission is seeking a party to take-over the vacant school building. The Commission was deeded the property by the Benzie County Central School District in 2022. The Commission is willing to divide and gift a portion of the property to a party that can repurpose the building.
SBGC is seeking funds to contract with an engineering/design firm to best utilize the site at the lowest cost (re-use/re-purpose or demolish/redevelop). This is a follow-on strategy from our feasibility study.
One option under the re-use/re-purpose strategy is to retain the existing gym and, working with the Benzie County Parks and Recreation Committee, seek capital to refurbish as a community asset. Benzie County’s approved Parks and Recreation Plan has a priority goal of providing for more indoor wellness activities. SBGC’s intent has strong support from the Parks and Recreation Committee.  While there is no commitment or funding at this time, there is local support for keeping this section of the facility and opening it for such public uses as youth sports, pickleball and adult fitness/exercise classes.
What the Road Commission needs from the School Board
The deed transforming ownership to the Road Commission from the School Board has two encumbrances which may prevent SBGC from moving forward with this project. First, any transfer to another party by the Road Commission must ultimately be used for a public purpose. Following is an excerpt from the deed:
The Road Commission is asking the School Board to affirm that SBGC’s proposed use for workforce housing organized as a non-profit enterprise would meet the public purpose provision of the encumbrance.
Second, the deed also contains the following encumbrance:
This first sentence precludes the Road Commission from dividing the school property and transfer to SBGC or another non-profit. Without fee ownership of the parcel, a non-profit organization would face significant challenges in raising the capital to proceed under either the re-use/re-purpose or demo/re-develop option.
What the Road Commission and SBGC need from Homestead Township and the Village of Honor
At the March School Board meeting, the board was not opposed to the two actions requested by the Road Commission. The Board asked that the Road Commission and SBGC request letters of support from Homestead Township and the Village of Honor. Therefore, the Road Commission and SBGC respectfully ask of the Township and Village to provide a letter of support that would be presented at the May School Board meeting.



Present: Tia Cooley, Tim Markey, Karen Mallon, Pat DeLorme, Shannon Purchase, Mike Mead.

Benzie Bus:
Presenter Dorene Strang is on the board and they have just completed the 2022 Annual Report. There are 27% more rides this year than last year, though they are still 8% lower than pre-covid numbers. They hope to expand health rides and evening services this year.

John Bumstead’s new district office is open. DTE Expansion Project will accept feedback until 2/27. The township will put the information on the website.

Working on Park and Rec Master Plan:
The draft will be on the website. They hope to try for a MI Trust Fund grant, but MI Passport funding for the HARP project is more likely.

He needs to submit a report and come to meetings, which he hasn’t been doing.

Shannon said Homestead Park is gated but dog walkers still are using the park. HARP project has 2 bids submitted but needs a third bid to go forward and qualify for grants.

County Commissioner Tim Markey:
Reported that there are 20 inmates from GT County being housed in the jail, providing needed income. The Commission is working on a meeting room use policy and setting 2023 goals.

Fire Department:
New apartments in Honor look good; it was noted that they have a 2-hour firewall between units. The department will have a combined meeting and training on a Saturday. Ice water rescue practice is in Frankfort is on Feb. 18.

Clerk and Treasurer:
BS & A deadline for the books being in balance is the end of this month. The books are “off substantially” and Karen and Pat will be working on this. BS& A cloud service will start the end of March.

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan:
Rebecca Hubers presented as their manager. There is already a plan which each township has to look at and approve regarding issues that affect them and make recommendations or changes as needed.

Clean-up Days – May 20 and Sept. 16, from 8 – 12. Changes will be made so people can bring multiple truckloads instead of just one, and scrap metal, freezers, refrigerators, and air conditioners will now be accepted.

Budget Hearing for 2023-24:
Will be held on Feb. 22 at 5:30 and will be posted and open to the public. Budget has to be finalized by the end of March.

Fire Protection Agreement – with Platte Township is due April 15.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma


November 1, 2022 — Homestead Township Board Meeting Minutes
Present: Tia Cooley, Karen Mallon, Mike Mead, Pat Delorme, Bess Butler

Public Comment:
Deputy Treasurer, Beverly, made a request to keep $200 cash on hand during tax season so she and Pat can make change for people paying with cash. It happened 3 times on the tax deadline date and inconvenienced greatly the people who came in to pay.

A MichCon representative would like a letter of support to enable grant funding for a proposed natural gas line that would run down Goose Road, all the way to Thompsonville. Board will see that the letter is written.

General Election will be Tuesday Nov. 8th from 7am – 8pm. The accuracy test went well.

Zoning Commissioner:
The Planning Commission will have a meeting this month as required.

Parks and Recreation:
Need bids for kayak launch, walking trails. Shannon Purchase has finished closing down the ball park buildings for winter and will now be working on the Township building improvements and maintenance. The Park and Rec Plan will be done by April.

County Commissioner Tim Markey:
There is a new dispatch director and the Commission approved the Capital Improvement Plan. For broadband, there is a Cherryland Electric consortium that is promoting an open network for broadband in the county. Other companies can lease the cables once installed and have competitive service available that is affordable for the unserved and underserved. The schools have lists of students that haven’t been able to be online for learning which will help target where broadband is built out.

Fire Commissioner Jeremy Burrows:
Ladder and hose testing is being done. Using “Ranger Bid” to list a firetruck to sell. There is some concern that the title must be signed over to the company so when they have a buyer, the transaction can happen quickly. The company has operated successfully for 10 years and the Road Commission uses it as well. Karen Mallon was only nay vote. A new, 75in. TV will be mounted on the wall of the meeting room for trainings, etc.

Treasurer Patricia DeLorme:
Chargebacks of $20 or less can go into the general fund.

Paving Weldon Hill will be considered, with the township paying 50% of the cost.

Plow Bids:
3 were submitted and decided on lowest bid.

Shannon Purchase from Tipsy Canoe would like a recommendation for a Class C liquor license. Can now only serve beer and wine.

Platte River Park, (HARP) bookkeeping :
Working on it with Ingemar and Randy to find out where grant money is going.

Personnel Policy is being amended.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma

October 6, 2022 — Homestead Township Board Meeting

Call to order: 6:00pm


Roll Call: all members in attendance with the exception of Secretary pat Delorme

Approval of Agenda: approved

Public comment: None


Zoning Administrator:
ZA asked board if he can run his report on the 20th so he can have report available for the monthly meeting.

ZA has talked to 62 residents, they expressed interest in having open house concern the capital improvements on a Saturday.

Assessor: No Report

Platte River Park will not need snow plowing this winter.

Platte River Park will put in a kayak launch and fishing pier in the spring.

Homestead Township Park is well used. Bathrooms are clean. Water and bathrooms at the park will be shut off at the end of the month.

There is interest and a need for a basketball court and tennis/pickle ball court.

Planning Committee: Meeting Cancelled

Fire Chief:
Quiet July and first part of August. The department is on par to hit a run a day.

Fire dept. did not participate with Ironman support due to illness.

Lots of training going on with the fire trucks.

Fire Chief asked board to approved hiring a ground support staff. Board did approve.

County Commissioner:

Results of survey showed the top three most important concerns of county residents are: 1.Affordable housing 2.Childcare 3.Broadband

Benzie County will commit money for affordable housing as well as Home Stretch and Frankfort Area Community Land Trust.

Benzie County is working to get broadband to unserved and under served residents. They are working with several providers.

Treasurer Report:
Cleared check that should not have been cleared. This will be corrected.

Clerk Report:
Will be scheduling a date for voting machine to be certified for the election.

About 300 absentee ballots will be going out.

All reports were approved by the board.

Budget Amendment: None


Park repairs/ top soil
Fuel bill

All approved

Old/New Business
Maintenance and window being repaired on concession stand.
The 2022 Audit is available on the Township Website.

Steering committee:
Open house will be October 26 at 5:30pm
Wade Trim will be in attendance
Discuss survey results
5 acre limit
Tiny house
Short term rental

Platte River Park Bookkeeping:
The Township will take over booking for the park and will be included in the Township budget.

Township Hall rental agreement revision- tabled

Clerk will post bid for snowplowing

Announcements: None

Public Comment: None

Meeting Adjourned: 7:39pm

Next homestead Township Regular Board Meeting will be Tuesday November 1 due to the election.

Respectfully submitted by Teresa Peiffer

September 6, 2022 — Homestead Township Meeting Minutes

Mike Mead, Karen Mallon, Tia Cooley, Bess Butler, Pat DeLorme – all present

Meeting started promptly at 6 p.m. (your reporter arrived a few minutes late)

Public Comment:
Wade Trim, Representative on Correspondence and Planning work (discussed later under Wade Trim update). Wade Trim updated the Township Board on the Capital Improvement Plan to be taken up later.

Zoning Administrator, Marvin Radtke:
Wade Trim proposed an update of Master Plan section on Parks and Recreation for HARP project Township Platte River Park. Update on capital improvement plans for fire stations, park improvements in 2023. Turtle Lake noise complaints by lakefront owners about public boating parties, loud music, etc. Zoning Administrator commented that there’s no serious violations; people on boats from public access have right to use surface of lake.

Assessor, Gunnar Brow:
Need to authorize expenses for additional members of Board of Review for appeals of tax assessments, specifically for February-March 2023 Board of Review hearings.

Parks and Recreation:
Construction has started for access, and picnic area for Platte River park. Preparing information to add to the Platte River Park Plan and improvements to the Township Master Plan update (to obtain funding from DNR and also necessary for Capital Improvement Plan). There needs to be more work on clarity of responsibility between Township and those using parks, including costs, liability, and insurance requirements, and also licenses for concession users, rather than Township operating directly.

Fire Chief Report:
Answered 231 calls. Submitted invoice for mileage payment/reimbursement for training of fire department staff and volunteers–$4800 for mileage. Clerk Mallon concerned about lack of detail. Motion made and supported. Tabled for further information and discussion on specific policy; however, agreement that no payment will be made until detailed information on purpose, person, distance, destination has been submitted.

County Commissioner: No report.

Will draft new agreements for use of township property, and Township Hall, including costs, no alcohol, insurance, government and health department approvals. Food stand, per above, should be concession from now on, with license for use and services from concessionaire; the Township should no longer operate. Same should apply for any park, including Platte River Park, events.

(1)Approved payments of Wade Trim invoice, with more detail, overhead share to road commission, website services, an Honor Hardware for parks and rec department.
(2) Budget amendments passed to cover funds required for Wade Trim and zoning and planning, increased township insurance costs, township portion of road commission road improvements—total budget increase $49,090.

Update on start of construction of access, picnic area. Underway, first phase hopefully completed this fall.

Old and New Business:
Clerk Mallon advised the Board of a dispute with buildings and grounds manager over his contract payments, totaling $7500. He requests payment for $3,750 under the contract for services. Clerk Mallon stated that he was asked to do projects for months, and has not done the work. He finally re-stained and painted the exterior of the Township Hall. Clerk Mallon is dissatisfied with the quality of the work. The manager stated that the stains on the exterior were indelible, no matter what he did he couldn’t remove or cover them. After a bit of a lashing of the manager and desire to not pay the bill, the Board agreed to withhold payment until he submitted detailed time and services to warrant the payment.

Audit Review:
State auditors have notified township that verification of expenses is inadequate. Recommended township to adopt resolution instituting a policy that requires specific verification, receipts, and explanation of expenses and costs. Also, discussed adopting a resolution for use of credit card policy.

Wade Trim:
Per correspondence and Public Comment, above, Wade Trim representative, updated Board on parks and recreation plan segment required for the master plan update and DNR grant/funding for new Platte River Park project (HARP).

Public Comment: None.

Meeting adjourned around 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jim Olson


August 8, 2022 — Homestead Township Meeting Minutes 

Mike Mead, Karen Mallon, Tia Cooley, Bess Butler, Pat DeLorme – all present

Public Comment:
Patty Geetings contested the withholding of her $50 deposit for hall use. Water was left running, bathrooms not cleaned (mis-informed by Mary Geetings who is no longer on the Board), some things stuck to walls. Agreed to refund half her deposit – $25.

Consumers Energy will provide new energy efficient light bulbs, programmable thermostat. OK’d as long as lighting remains sufficient with new bulbs.


Fire Chief:
204 calls this year. There are no fire hydrants in the township – Road Commission is working with the state to get a well put in for filling tanker trucks. EMT class coming up – 4 people signed up.

Parks and Recreation:
Shannon Purchase is doing ball field maintenance. Garbage fees are $130/month. May need bigger bins next year. $60 approved to sweep the main park road up to batting cages.

HARP-(Honor Area Restoration Project):
On August 25th at 6:30 there will be a public “Listening Session” at the Gathering Place to field questions and get input. AJ’s started work on August 15th and most of the work will be completed in October (final completion, July 2023). Clarified that bills will be submitted to the township for approval, then HARP will pay the bills. $50,000 has been set aside by the township in case of overages.

County Commission:
All millage’s on the ballot passed. On-line survey regarding priorities for ARPA funds is still out. Worked on the 2022-23 budget at the 8/9 meeting. Sept 11th is the Ironman Triathlon 70.3 – ALS is funded by Ironman organization, no cost to township or county. Broadband Survey – suggest hiring a Broadband project manager $20,000 for 4 years. Cherry Capital Communications will help procure grants for the County (public-private partnership).

Register has been matching bank balance (!)

New timecards to reflect training – for insurance purposes. Need an annual update for fire department employees’ driving records. Rentals – people renting the hall should have a rider from their homeowner’s policy to cover damages. Needs to be enforced. Change in wording for all township property uses such as upcoming Cornhole Tournament, Coho Festival, and hall rentals – change from “authorized” to “sponsored” or “hosted” to avoid Township liability. Karen Mallon will change all pertinent documents for approval at Sept. meeting.

There were 630 voters at the August election – certified by the Board of Canvassers on 8/4. For the Nov. election, the township meeting will be changed to Nov. 1st (Tues), as the election is the 8th and they need the time and space to set up the election on Monday the 7th. Cemetery Request – a family wants a plot in the new section which requires tree removal, which the family doesn’t have to pay for. Karen will search for other options. Title Transfer for Fire Equipment to the township Aug. 10th. Will take a check over to pay for the transfer.

Next Clean-Up day is Sept. 17, 8-12. August 27 is the Hazardous Waste drop off, with appointment.

Public Comment:
Mary Hahn wants to get a citizen’s initiative on the ballot to shut down Marijuana Shops in Benzonia Township, and possibly the whole county. She’s frustrated with how to get this on the ballot. Possibly will be put on the November election ballot.

Meeting adjourned 7:51.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosm

July 2022 — Homestead Township Board Meeting Summary

5 members present –Tia Cooley, Pat DeLorme, Mike Mead, Bess Butler, Karen Mallon

Election inspector 2-yr certification class coming up. Sign up before August 2nd! Township needs backups and alternates.

(1)Broadband Spectrum is expanding, extending coverage into western areas of the Township.
(2) New application for another pot facility; another application for same is pending. (3) Approved unanimously attorney review to interpret new federal court decision affecting police power of local governments.

(1) Reviewing about 50 properties for reassessment based on transfer of property.
(2) A couple of land-split applications are pending.
(3) Board of Review could use a couple of backup/alternative members to make sure there is a quorum for its meetings, but particularly the during the month of March which is the busiest time.

(1) HARP still awaiting DNR approval of park plan for state funding.
(2) Nothing will be done to Blueberry patch, except removal of plants with mildew. (3) Tree/fencing is needed, Township’s new maintenance and grounds keeper may take care of this.

Planning: Nothing new to report. Next meeting in July, but if no business, next meeting may be August.

County Commissioner:
(1) Broadband survey results show that 75% of residents in the County do not have sufficient broadband.
(2) County needs input on choice of broadband service options: (a) publicly owned and provided; (b) publicly owned and controlled, services and maintenance etc. contracted to Spectrum or provider; (c) privately owned, controlled, and managed by Spectrum per agreement. (Author’s NOTE: This is very important. Overtime, privatized services include fees that trend higher because of profit element, as opposed to nonprofit cost-based services. Also, privatized services diminish public notice, participation, and access to information and accountability).
(3) Emergency management system may need new dispatcher position.
(4) Brownfield grant/Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) application for $250,000 for relocation of Honor Shell Station to former Bud’s site is before State Economic Development Authority/Department of EGLE.
(5) County survey needs participation to help with priorities for public projects and improvements.

Fire Chief:
(1) August 6th Spaghetti Dinner.
(2) Approved unanimously payment of National Park Service bill for services.
(3) Iron Man race scheduled Sunday, Sept. 11, Township fire dept. EMS services will be reimbursed per agreement with race organization.
(4) Twp. has four new certified fire-fighters after completing their Fire Academy training.

(1) Treasurer report approved.
(2) Account discrepancy of $10 is being reviewed.
(3) Zoning administrator will use his own cell phone; turned in his Township cell phone, which will be cancelled.

Karen is putting on a training for election workers; Township needs more election workers. Must complete training at least 10 days before the election.

Motion approved unanimously to pay expenses for equipment repair pickup in Kalamazoo, pay county road maintenance invoice, and to approve keeping rental unit $500 security deposit to cover cleanup up and restoration of premises after tenant left.

New Business:
(1) Approved unanimously planning consulting contract with (MR Consulting?) for preparation of CIP Plan and 5-Year Master Plan update and Parks and Recreation Plan.
(2) Approved unanimously grant writing fee and assistance contract for research and additional zoning enforcement.
(3) Approved unanimously amendment to resolution guidelines for property transfer affidavit, uncapping of assessments for lower-income residents, and no longer needing to submit tax returns to provide assessor with more flexibility in making determinations.
(4) Approved unanimously amendment to resolution to waive $200 fee collection requirement for failure to file transfer affidavit if the fee is not paid after waiting 45 days from notice of nonpayment.
(5) Approved unanimously Iron Man race reimbursement of services contract at $110 per hour.
(6) Approved unanimously a contract for lawn, grounds, buildings, and other maintenance services for township by new contractor Sandit.

Public Comment:
One person, thanking the Township Board for its contribution and continuing support for the new HARP/Township Park on Platte River.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40pm.

Respectfully submitted by Jim Olson

June 6, 2022 — Homestead Township Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Tia Cooley, Pat DeLorme, Mike Mead, Bess Butler, Karen Mallon

Behr, Cotter and Bishop will have the audit ready the week of June 27th. Clean-up day went well.


Marvin Radtke reported 15 permits applied for. A noise (from mowing) complaint for St. Ambrose and other varied complaints in the township. Karen will work with Marvin on providing the history of the township with St. Ambrose at Marvin’s request.

Park and Recreation:
75 people were at the HARP groundbreaking. Still need a park plan from the township to get their money from the state. AJ’s is the contractor and they have the permits and money for parking, roads, but not the picnic shelter, piers and boat launch.

We need to schedule a meeting in June (have to meet quarterly).

Fire Department:
21 runs through May 20th;153 runs total for the year as of 6/6. August 6th is a spaghetti dinner.

Tammy Bowers is the new county clerk. Karen will schedule and put on a training for election workers with Mary Geetings (the previous clerk with extensive knowledge). $1,400 was credited from workman’s comp. Community service workers (youth) have put in 39 hours at the cemetery. Karen could use more workers.

Assessor’s wage increase by 5% for cost of living, approved. Building and Grounds budget, just for the building in Honor and grounds surrounding it, amended and approved for $20,000.

Ordinance Enforcement Policy:
It has been decided to include all violations into one officer position (now John Brazaski, does solely noise complaints, and he is not interested in doing more and has offered to step down). Marvin Radtke (MR Consulting) has submitted a menu of services and costs to the Township, including being the ordinance enforcement officer. Shannon Purchase may be interested in applying for the ball park maintenance position. All of this will be tabled until the next meeting.

Personnel Policy:
Elected officials can hire family members, but people hired by the township cannot, as it stands. Possible changes are tabled until Tim Markey, Fire Chief can be present and give his input.

Covey Road:
A portion of Covey Rd. needed emergency repair and the County added a culvert and repaired that section. Matching funds are tapped from the township. The road commission suggested another culvert be added. Amount for the township’s portion is $1,900. The work was approved.

Online subscription renewal is approved.

Park, (not including HARP):
Kevin Taghon has been getting $850/month for mowing and lining ballfields, emptying garbage, maintaining batting cages, and bathroom cleaning. The board members would like to entertain bids from other parties to do this work more effectively (MR Consulting can do this work). Auto locks on the bathroom have not been installed yet so someone has to manually unlock and prop the door when park is in use, and lock it at night. Board members have been doing this. The garbage has not been taken down to the dumpster regularly and “it’s a mess”. Sponsor fees from adult teams should be going to the township towards upkeep and maintenance of this park.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma

May 2, 2022 — Homestead Township Board Meeting Minutes

Present were Tia Cooley, Pat DeLorme, Mike Mead, Bess Butler, Karen Mallon

ARPA reports are submitted, flag pole is repaired and new flags purchased, water will be turned on in the ball park May 15 – 20, and repairs on Park buildings will be started this month.

Zoning Administrator Marvin Radtke, attended the MTA conference in Lansing for 4 days. He has been fielding lots of calls from people interested in short-term rentals but callers may look elsewhere because the Township has a “good short term rental ordinance”.

No reports from Assessor, Parks or Planning Committee. Treasurer Report was submitted.

County Commissioner Tim Markey, reports that Paula Eberhart is the new Register of Deeds. They are getting lists of needs for using ARPA money. Merit Network, Inc. has completed its broadband survey. There are two meetings, May 20th at 10:00 at the government building to hear the survey results, and the scheduled Commissioner’s meeting on May 24th at 10:00, which will address broadband in the county.

Fire Chief Tim Markey:
The run is on pace for a run/day this year; brush truck out for repair. Ironman Triathlon is set for Sept. 22nd and the department will again have the side-by-side at the race. Department physicals are May 25th.
A request was made for the purchase and installation of a large-screen TV in the hall for training purposes. Other departments could also see a use for this. $1,500 was approved for a 60 – 70in. TV for township use.

True North is developing the new Shell gas station and mini-mart on the former Bud’s property. It is a brownfield site and they will “clean up” the former Shell property for resale for a non-competing business.

The HARP Park update by Ingemar Johansson:
AJ’s is waiting on the state to approve the upcoming work which should start by the end of this month. This Saturday is a work bee (4/ 7), and May 14th is the ground-breaking from 10-12:00. The construction work should be done by November.

Clerk Report:
The clerk, Karen Mallon and the Treasurer, Pat Delorme continue to reconcile discrepancies in their books. While the township has enough poll workers, anyone is encouraged to sign up for training to be a poll-worker, to be apprised how the voting system works. Contact Karen if you would like to be included in the training. Flags for Veterans will be put in the cemetery by Memorial Day. A reminder that the Hall is alcohol-free for those inquiring to rent it.

New/Old Business:
It was discussed that the Ordinance Enforcement Officer Policy be changed so one person responds to noise as well as zoning complaints. John Brazaski is now the noise enforcement officer and he is not interested in taking on more duties. This discussion is tabled till next meeting.

MR Consulting (Marvin Radtke), presented his expanding business offerings, including grant-writing, ordinance enforcement, master planning, park maintenance and more. He will give a proposal to the township for several of his services that the board is interested in. He is contracted currently to the Township as an individual, not as part of his consulting firm.

Parks: Ingemar Johansson from HARP requested $48,000 to pave part of the driveway and walkways in the new park. Gravelling the area is already in the plan but since the drive is on a downslope, it would have to be maintained frequently. $50,000 was approved from the Parks and Rec budget.

It is suggested that a Park Committee be formed for the township as it will now include the HARP property.
There is a broken pipe to the drinking fountain at the ball field; some groups are not cleaning up after themselves; township will put up signage to use the batting cages at your own risk. A bear has gotten into the garbage. TKS Security has a remote option at $20/month to open and close the bathroom. Now it is on a timer. Karen Mallon will donate a camera to monitor for vandalism and will continue to use the timer option.
True North requires a letter of support from the Township for the brownfields cleanup at the former Buds site. The township has agreed to forego taxing the property for approximately 3 years as it is developed.

Public Comment –
Youth Services Coordinator for the 19th Circuit Court, Kathi Houston, through correspondence, is looking for Tutors and Mentors for middle and high school students. If interested, contact Kathi at: [email protected].

The Fire Department expressed an interest in contacting Kathi for workers to clean up in and around the building. They could also be used for cemetery work.

Another resident states that complaints to the township for noise and zoning infractions can be made by a phone call without a formal complaint being logged. Marvin Radtke or John Brazaski currently can go out to check on reported infractions with the complainant kept anonymous to avoid rancor between neighbors. If a case is unresolved or goes to court, then a formal complaint form must be filled out and the person complaining can conceivably be exposed through a FOIA request.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Bosma


March 7, 2022 — Homestead Township Board Meeting Highlights  

Meeting began at 6:00pm and was called to order by Supervisor Cooley.

Pledge of allegiance

Motion by Treasure Delorme to vote on budget at the April 4th meeting. Board approves.

Board approved agenda.

Public comments:

Noise Ordinance Officer needs a copy of the noise ordinance.

Avace Wildie- Representing The Friends of the Bestie Valley Trail (FBVT).

FBVT is applying for grants to pave the trail from Beulah to Thompsonville. Paving would increase use and tourism. FBVT would like the Homestead Township to write a Resolution letter in support of the project. FBVT provided a prewritten Resolution letter to board. FBVT would also request some financial assistance from the Township. This can be decided at a later date. Clerk Mallon would like to know how much of the trail is in the township? Would like a presentation to the board for what the money would be used for. “For the record.”

The Friends of Bestie Valley Trail Resolution was approved and Resolution Letter signed.

Approval of minutes: Treasurer Delorme motioned to approve February 7th meeting with correction of the ARPA funds and the February 23th meeting. Both approved by the Board.


The Conservation District is asking for and additional $500 a year for the next 3 years. Funds will assist with providing education on invasive species, education to youth and signage on decontamination of watercraft. Board approved.


Zoning Administrator- Received 20 text messages, 18 phone calls and two Land Use permit requests.

Assessor: All assessments complete. Assessments increased by $18 million and Taxable Value increase by $7.8 million. There are 4 poverty exemptions.

Planning Committee: No Meeting.

Fire Chief: 59 medical runs and 16 fire runs.

Commissioner Report: No report, Commissioner Markey absent.

Clerk: Has not heard from auditor. Has been in contact with the State to keep them informed.

Treasurer: Deputy Treasure would like to attend annual training meeting.

All reports approved.

Payables for the month: All approved.

New/Old Business:

Platte River Park Resolution- presentation 

Bids for 1st phase of project to be opened on Thursday, March 10th. Phase 1 of project is already funded. The budget for this phase is $187,500. $150,000 from Passport program and 37,500 form USDA. 

Property Exemption Extension Resolution: Approved

Poverty Guideline Adoption: Approved

Adoption of 2022-2023 meeting dates for the Homestead Township Board.

Meetings will be held on the first Monday of the month. Exception is when holiday falls on Monday, meetings will then be held on the next Tuesday.

Charter fees discussion

Charter inquired if Township wanted to a charge fee for township residents.

Board did not approve.


Bid discussion: 

Received 1 bid for township hall, concession building and press box building repairs. Bid awarded. Work will take about three weeks to complete when started.

Fire Protection Agreement:

Board approved Fire protection agreement with Platte Lake Township.

Equipment charge $10,603 and operating charge $ 21,283.


County Road Commission:

Road Commission will brine 18.68 miles of road. The 1st brining will be in May will cost $14,477 with Township matching $ 7,853. The 2nd brining will be in July/August and will cost is $20,586 with Township matching funds of $11,167. Both brining’s will include old 31 for a cost of $168 for the 1st and $239 for the 2nd.


Public Comment:

Benzie County Emergency Manger introduced herself and let Township know that the she is available to assist if the township has any questions or issues.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Teresa Peiffer


February 7, 2022 — Homestead Township Board Meeting Highlights 

Board Members Present: Tia Cooley, Pat Delorme, Karen Mallon, and Mike Mead. (Bess Butler absent.)

Public Comment: None

Noise Enforcement Officer John Brazaski sent a letter to the Township Board. He was also present at meeting. John would like input from the Board about having fair and consistent enforcement of the noise ordinance. He would like to see mediation between parties. Warnings for 2nd offense, and citation for 3rd offense. He would like the Board to give him guidance. John receives calls on his home phone. Karen Mallon suggest that John should be issued a cell from the Township. John stated that he is going to talk to Benzie County Sheriff‘s Department about coming to calls with him. He has had issues in the past. John is paid $20 per call. Board discussed changing pay to hourly.

Approval of Minutes.

Correspondence: Karen Mallon stated that she received a Letter of Resignation from Sherry Taylor from the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). Mallon stated Taylor wrote that her reason for leaving is she doesn’t agree with disparaging remarks she has heard. Karen says she has talked to Marvin Radtke (Zoning Administrator) to see if there are any interested parties. Tia Cooley discussed posting the vacancy.

Township Treasurer Pat Delorme is very busy, due to tax season. There are quite a few residents that pay in cash, so the bank will be providing locked cash bag for after-hours deposits.

Township Clerk Karen Mallon: Have new auditors working on audit and have been in contact with Michigan Department of Treasury. Needs training schedule from Fire Department, as Michigan Works is looking at renting the hall for training.

Fire Chief Tim Markey: Incidents for 2022 year-to-date is 45; incidents for December 2021 was 73. The final number of incidents for 2021 was 412, which is a 35% increase from 2020. Had ice water recuse training with Coast Guard, DNR, Frankfort Fire DepartmentBenzonia Township Fire Department and Beulah fire departments. New fire truck should be arriving in 1-2 weeks. Tim is working on the new website and would like to sit down with each board member to train them. New website to go live on April 1, 2022.

Benzie County Commissioner Tim Markey (Homestead Township)says that the Commissioners had special meeting to work on goals. Commissioner goals are broadband, ARPA funds, affordable housing, and job training.

Assessor Gunnar Brow: Equalization time. Data has been sent in. Sale study has been sent in. The Township has two poverty owners.

Matt from Benzie County Road Commission: Will be looking for a new brining company, as the old one went out of business. The Township to receive $60,000 over three years ($20,000 per year) with matching funds from Township. Matt provided the Township Board with a list of proposed projects that the county will be doing.

New Business:
New policies: Budget and Cash Handling

Cash Handling: Policy to create a cash draw of $100 to $200, so Treasurer can make change for those making tax payments in cash. Motion was made to approve policy. Tia Cooley: yes, Pat Delorme: yes, Mike Mead: no, Karen Mallon: no.
Motion did not pass.

Comments by board members about cash handling: Cooley said we should be making it easy for resident to pay taxes.
Mike Mead said Treasurer should tell resident to have correct amount. Karen Mallon says that Treasurer could just cut the resident a check for the overage.

Budget Policy passed unanimously. The board discussed some of the general fund budget. It was decide to have a special budget meeting on February 23, 2022, at 6pm.

Fire Chief Tim Markey would like to see firefighter wages to increase by 5-7%.

Meeting ended at 9:22pm.

Notes submitted by Teresa Peiffer.

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