Lake Township Board Meeting Reports

Friday July 6th 2024 — Lake Township Board Meeting Report(instead of the Thursday due to holiday)

FYI: Lake Township has a useful website at:

Township meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm and residents are welcome to attend. Public comment periods available at the beginning and the end of the agenda. Office hours are M 9-12; W 9-3; and F 9-12. The Township maintains the Lake Township Park at the mouth of the Platte River.

After Call to Order, Pledge, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes.

Financial Reports:

General Fund: $897,680.23

Fire Fund: $317,338.31


Primary Election is August 6th.

Early voting is Saturday, July 27-August 4 Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Because of election, the August Regular Meeting is 7 p.m. Thursday August 8th (one week later than usual).


Guest: Chuck Clark, Point Betsie Shoreline Protection Project: Chuck presented a minutely detailed history of the project and an explanation of the complications faced by the need to meet conflicting criteria of several regulating bodies. The resulting pending design changes are prompting another permit application for which he is requesting a Lake Township letter of support. The biggest of the numerous issues is a suggestion from EGLE that the lighthouse itself be moved, Since moving the lighthouse is neither practical, nor desirable, nor necessary, the Lake Township letter will indicate that the township does not support moving the lighthouse.


Wilfred Swiecki, of the Platte Lake Improvement Association: Wilfred discussed the history and details of the role of the Platte Lake Improvement Association in monitoring fish hatchery compliance with phosphorus discharge limits. He distributed a document. Since it was received by the board, anyone interested should be able to access it through the board records.

Interesting Highlight: There is a lot of underwater camera footage of Platte Lake.

Note:nHe also addressed the problem of a late night boat operator on Platte Lake who is violating the township’s dark sky ordinance and asked for help from the board. The response was inconclusive and no support for enforcing the ordinance was indicated. This may be a matter to follow up on.

County Update: Benzie County Master Plan continues to be worked on.

Benzie County Administrator’s Employment contract is up for renegotiation.

Benzie County Road Commission continues to consider a new building.

Request has been made to seek a ballot proposal for an $18M bond in the November 5th election. Action was tabled until July 9th.

Benzie County is a ⅓ owner of the Frankfort Dow Memorial Airport but does not have a vote on issues related to the operation. Request has been made for bylaws to correct this.

The Maples: They are at 100 % capacity. Approximately 90% of residents are from Benzie County.

Township Departments:

Planning Commission: Continued work is on nuisance and blight, as well as considering aspects of the Crystal Lake Watershed Overlay for possible adoption.

Code Enforcement OfficeThere are about 80 permits currently. Estimate is that there will be 100 by the end of the year. Limit is 150.

Park Committee: Plans for park improvements are waiting for EGLE (boat launch and new kiosk).

Supervisor’s report: Intentional blocking of private roads will be approached from the perspective of health, safety, and welfare.


Respectfully submitted by Diane Miller


ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!! We need Dem-Friendly folks to run for office. Interested???

Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!


We are always looking for SUBS when we are away to go to the Township meeting and do a write up. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]


Respectfully submitted by Diane Miller

June 6th 2024 — Lake Township Board Meeting

FYI: Lake Township has a useful website at:

Township meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm and residents are welcome to attend. Public comment periods available at the beginning and the end of the agenda. Office hours are M 9-12; W 9-3; and F 9-12. The Township maintains the Lake Township Park at the mouth of the Platte River.

Call to Order, Pledge, Roll Call, and Approval of Minutes

Financial Reports: I actually did not get all the balances from the different accounts. Seems like we are doing fine.

Announcement: Township Cleanup Day #1 will be Saturday, June 15, 8 a.m.-noon. Rain or Shine. More information is on the website.

Rob Manilla, Benzie Senior Resources board member: Here are some numbers: Over the past year, Benzie’s population has grown 2.4%. The Senior population has grown 24%. The percentage of citizens 60 years old and older in Benzie is 36%. Last year 2600 people used services, and records were set for all services. There will be a millage to vote on August 6th. The request is for .15 mills, increasing from .85 to 1. The current millage provides 53 % of the organization’s funding. The average impact to residents with a $250 value home would be $19 per year.

Fire Chief Mike Cederholm, Frankfort Fire Department: There were two fire calls and four ambulance calls.

New Business:  The township is contracting with a firm to redesign and manage the website.

Aid to other Governments: The township is donating to:

Friends of Point Betsie $1000

Darcy Library $2000

Benzonia Library $2000

Benzie County Historical Society $1000

Conservation District (for invasive species control) $3000

County Update: Commissioner Jeannot’s report and Commissioner Cunningham’s reports are reflected in the County reports.

Township Departments:

Planning Commission: They are considering a Land Division Ordinance, and Police Power Ordinances for private road problems.

Zoning Administrator: Not present.

Code Enforcement Officer:  Continuing to issue permits for Short Term Rentals. There are about 80 currently.

Park Committee: All is good. Board is considering replacing the kiosk. There is a plan for improvements at the canoe landing.

Supervisor’s report: Thanked everyone for good job.

Election Report May 2024: 80 votes cast: 12 walk-ins and 68 absentee ballots. Thanks was expressed to inspectors and to Penny Georgevich, deputy clerk, for her extra work.

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!! We need Dem-Friendly folks to run for office. Interested???

Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for SUBS when we are away to go to the Township meeting and do a write up. If interested, drop us a line at: Benzied[email protected]om

Respectfully submitted by Diane Miller

Hi, Lake Township Good Folks! We would like to give a big shout out and thank you to Karen Cunningham for sharing this information with us! We currently do not have a Lake Township Lookout: (a Lookout is a person that goes to the monthly Township meeting and reports on what was discussed). Please help! It’s only one meeting a month. If interested, send an email to: [email protected]

 Thursday, March 2 — Lake Township Board Meeting

FYI: Lake Township has a useful website at:

Township meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm, and residents are welcome to attend. Public comment periods available at the beginning and the end of the agenda.

Office hours are M 9-12; W 9-3; and F 9-12. The Township maintains the Lake Township Park at the mouth of the Platte River.

Below is the report by County Commissioner Karen Cunningham, given to the Lake Township Board on March 7th, 2024

February 5th, attended Northern Michigan Counties Association: During lunch there was candid discourse over solar and sustainable farming with colleagues.

February 9th, Attended Benzie Summit at The Garden Theatre: Representative Betsy Coffia summarized legislative activities, highlighting MSHDA’s Housing Readiness Program. Sen Bumstead sent a staff member who did not update, Sen Bergman sent a staff person who did not update, Rep Roth had a schedule mix up so he missed the legislative update but engaged in impromptu discourse. There was a panel discussion on childcare.

February 13th, attended Board of Commissioner meeting: Tim Maylone presented a broadband update: Frankfort construction along M-115 between US-31 and the city are on schedule. “It is anticipated that when MIHI has the identified BEADS locations, they will release a map.”

There was discussion on utilizing additional Opioid Funding.

Thompsonville adopted a Recreation Plan on Jan 23rd, 2024. The plan will serve as a 5 year guide for recreation projects.

February 13th Board of Commissioners Study Session: Networks Northwest- Master Plan discussion. Remaining ARPA Fund discussion, particularly interested in childcare, which was identified as a top citizen concern from the 2020 county survey.

CLk Twp, Jess Carland/Benzie Bus presentation.

February 15th, attended the Frankfort Business Accelerator Task Force: General discussion included addressing the City Master Plan, economics and location.

February 16th, EDC, Dan Barcheski, chair provided a sample for the proposed community coordinator position.

Administrator Katy Zeits, will place broadband updates will be on the county home page.

February 16th listened to the MAC 83 podcast, facilitated by Stephen Currie:

Budget FY25 ;

Deena Bosworth reported that the governor recommended, county revenue sharing 5% increase annually, 3% increase, one time if all ARPA Funds are allocated, and 2% increase, one time for public safety. Madelin Fata, related that the governor recommended that, “Tipping Fees”, be increased from 36 cents per ton to 5 dollars per ton. Tipping fees are what is hauled into Michigan as waste and dumped. Michigan is the lowest priced state in the midwest. The higher price is to deter out of state dumping in Michigan. This would raise $8M (approx) annually. The fees would be used to help environmental remediation through Brownfield, EGLE and others.

Over a month ago I reported on the podcast, “Ax MI Tax”, for your personal education, here is the link:

February 20th City, new business: AV options for meetings, live streaming, auto generation of minutes in real time. City government acting to support the public’s desire. Live streaming contributes to transparency, understanding, with the intention of building trust. Discussion of appointment of Student Representative to Planning Commission. Note last year I shared and suggested we enact student participation at BoC. This will teach civic responsibility, promote understanding and foster future leaders.

February 22nd, Airport, tower height increased to 120’. Still seeking applicants for the airport manager, the position is posted on the county website. Dick Bayer learned at a conference that GA Airports are being targeted to transport fentanyl into the States. Recently a Cessna 172 from AZ landed in WI and Border Patrol stopped 30kilos of fentanyl from being sold.

February 28th attended the Benzie High School Collaborative, presentation: GT Community Foundation, Steve Wade and Ellen Grams/student. Topic student mental health education K12. Surveyed 5 counties, FEAS did as schoolwide event. Survey identified trigers of stress/anxiety and de-escalators. Hope House, presenter, Robin Keiller, mission maternity housing for young, single mothers in Benzie County,

February 29th attended a City of Frankfort, special meeting regarding the Frankfort beach bathroom: It was live streamed. Council room standing room only + hall/foyer. Overwhelming majority do not want the bathroom on the beach, they want it Cannon Park.

February 29th attended the Board of Commissioners, AP (approve payment) review.

Community: Noteworthy: Michelle Thompson, County Treasurer, has been selected to become the Executive Director of Michigan Land Bank. Ms. Kelly Long will complete Michelle’s term.

Attended Kelly Long’s swearing in to serve as county treasurer.

Attended safeTALK, suicide prevention training: Rebecca Hubers, county emergency, also present.

NMC listening session, discussion on the cost of, “in-district”, tuition for NMC. Annexation=millage of 2.05+:

Benefits:Michigan Reconnect Program moneys would be applicable and would pay for in district tuition for qualified applicants. Benzie County would have two trustees on the NMC board/per board approval, via NMC Foundation 31% of students receive aid (other community colleges average 5%), NMC programs are job focused- nursing, trades, childcare, aviation, police to name a few.

Attended meetings: Sheriff Rosa, Jesse Zylstra /SWAC/MMP, farmers, veterans, small business owners and citizens.Attended CROWD (compost, recycle, or waste diversion), information meeting for public interested in serving locally. Four people attended; 2 Republicans, 1 Independent and 1 Democrat. 7Countywide, 75 seats are open this year

Report respectfully submitted to the Lake Township Board by County Commissioner Karen Cunningham

Sept. 7, 2023 — Lake Township Board Meeting

After the pledge of allegiance was recited by all at the wood paneled township hall the board members sat at a table in front of the fireplace under the mantle in the meeting room.

The meeting moved briskly under the direction of Supervisor Jeff Johnson.

Minutes were approved, financial report given and township payments approved.

Wilfred Swiecki from the Platte Lake Improvement Association stood and aired old grievances after touting the qualifications of distinguished PLIA volunteers.  Swiecki seemed mainly aggrieved by the possibility of phosphorous loading in Platte Lake as had happened in the past. He was concerned about the houses being built. He swore only once during his presentation. Eventually, the supervisor asked him to sit down and promised to have him contacted. The suggestion was made to have the Benzie Conservation District take a role in monitoring Platte Lake and assist in navigating complex regulations in different jurisdictions that at times overlap.

Chris DeGood from Beckett & Raeder:

Talked about plans for the Non-motorized boat launch and landing at the Platte River mouth that has been proposed. He will work with the Planning committee to develop three options for consideration. Mr. DeGood said he was empowered to sign an initial agreement between Becket and Raeder and the Township. Jeff Johnson indicated that he would sign an agreement at the conclusion of the meeting.

John Rothhaar of the planning commission:

Recounted discussions regarding a proposed short term rental ordinance in Lake Township. Those seeking to offer rentals would need to apply for a license. The fees from those licenses would fund a “Short Term Rental Coordinator”. Mr. Rothhaar stated that he had heard from township residents in favor of the ordinance and those against. On balance, he did not feel any changes were needed to the ordinance as proposed. He said there are currently about thirty short term rentals in Lake Township. Those people will have to apply for a license. He expects there will be additional requests for licenses as well.

There were written reports from county commissioners Art Jeannot and Karen Cunningham and each stood to address the group with highlights.

Clean-up day at the township was discussed and all agreed that it was a big success. 122 township residents had attended and with the help of volunteers everything went smoothly.

Respectfully submitted by Stewart McFerran

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested???? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for SUBS when we are away to go to the Township meeting an do a write up. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

August 3, 2023 — Lake Township
6 p.m. Hearing on Short Term Rental Ordinance
7 p.m. Regular meeting
Short Term Rentals:
There were numerous questions, and as a result, there will be more work: A committee will be formed to address the questions about the cap on rentals and other issues, and this issue will come back to the board.
After Call to Order, Pledge, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes:
Financial Reports:
Our general fund has $841,000+ and the Fire Fund has $312,000+ (Marianne shared more specifics). There was also a list of payments.
August Cleanup:
August Cleanup, previously scheduled for August 19, will be held August 12 from 8 a.m. to noon.  Please refer to the website for a list of items accepted (and not).
Rebecca Hubers, Emergency Management Coordinator:
Provided a detailed explanation of the coverage holes in radio reception (due mostly to topography) and the challenges for locating a space for the radio tower. This is still in process. Lake Township’s donation of $100,000 may be used for a different aspect of the work (or possibly returned) due to a $2.2 million grant from the State of Michigan. Discussion will continue.
Stacy Pasche, Benzie Shores Library Director:
Reviewed the privileges that come with library membership. We are also welcoming Claudia Rogers as our new Township representative.
Routine incoming correspondence:
Can be seen on request (newsletters and reports from Darcy Library, BACN, Fire Department, Senior Resources, and Sheriff’s Summer Road Report).
In addition, there were letters of thanks from Betsie Area Historical Society for donations, and a proposal from Colligo GIS for Slope Mapping Services. (Colligo GIS is a platform that consists of two main components, a web/desktop editor and a mobile data-collector). A slope map is a topographic map showing changes in elevation on a highly detailed level.
Outgoing Correspondence:
Letter to Dan De Vries declining his request for personal repayment for road repairs.
New Business:
Zoning Administrator:
Explained the items in the renewed contract for assessing services (regular services, plus database cleanup).
Old Business:
Parking Lot: Details regarding where mailbox, etc. will be accessed.
County Update:
Commissioner Jeannot’s report and Commissioner Cunningham’s reports are reflected in the County reports.
Township Departments:
Planning Commission:
There will be a special meeting September 14 at 6:30. The topic is Watershed. They want to make sure that if we put a regulation in effect, it helps all the watersheds. Thus, other entities are invited for information sharing.
Zoning Administrator:
The problems on Woodland Avenue (land owners blocking road access) continue.
Park Committee: Things are going well.
Supervisor’s report:
Volunteers are wanted for the Ironman. There will be posters up.
Respectfully submitted by Diane Miller
ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested???? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for SUBS when we are away to go to the Township meeting an do a write up. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

July 6, 2023 — Lake Township Board Meeting Notes

7 p.m. Thursday, July 6th

Call to Order, Pledge, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes.

Financial Reports:
Our general fund has $800,000 and the Fire Fund has $312,000.
(Marianne shared more specifics). There was also a list of payments.

New Date for August Cleanup: August Cleanup, previously scheduled for August 19th, will be held August 12th.

Routine incoming correspondence:
It can be seen on request (newsletters and reports from Darcy Library, BACN, Fire Department, Senior Resources, and Sheriff’s Summer Road Report).

Outgoing Correspondence:
Intent to support Frankfort Fire Department for grant money for their equipment.
Proclamation for Crystal Lake sesquicentennial.
Letter from Zoning Administrator to Woodland Avenue residents regarding obstructions in their road.
Letter and check to Friends of Betsie Lighthouse for contribution to shoreline protection.
Letter and check to Benzie County for emergency communications tower project.
Letter of support to County Commissioners for emergency communications tower project.

New Business:
Rogue Road Repairs:
A resident on Poplar St. decided to repair a hole in the road and asked afterwards to be reimbursed. The board declined, since the person did not communicate beforehand.

Phone Service:
The clerk asked if we should investigate changing phone service providers. The board will wait.

Short term rental ordinance:
There will be a public hearing on August 3rd at 6 p.m. for one hour (before the regular monthly board meeting).

Slope Maps:
The board is in the process of procuring maps that show slopes on lake properties to help with zoning decisions. They are now available with parcel numbers.

Old Business:
Parking Lot: Work will be done in September.

Commissioner Jeannot’s report and Commissioner Cunningham’s reports are reflected in the County reports. Go to: to read reports.

Planning Commission:
There will be a special meeting September 14th at 6:30pm. The topic is Watershed. Other entities are invited for information sharing.

Zoning Administrator:
Land use permits for short-term rentals are increasing. Josh will conduct office hours Saturday, July 15th (and also survey the problems on Woodland Avenue).
Board of Review meets at 10 a.m July 18th not for appeals, but for correction of mistakes.

Park Committee:
Big Thanks to park attendants for supplying real-time information on parking, and to Mark Janeczko for doing a great job on trash pickup and other maintenance in the park.

Supervisor’s report:
Park sprinkler system may need replacing.

June Cleanup Day Report:
It was a record-breaker with 135 loads. Big thanks to Metal Man Mike for going above and beyond with the metal recycling.

Public Comment:
Diane Miller expressed thanks for the newsletter, and especially the item about using lake-friendly lawn maintenance. She offered to research best practices in more detail and was invited to present at either the August or September meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Miller

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested???? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for SUBS when we are away to go to the Township meeting an do a write up. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

June 1, 2023 — Lake Township Board Meeting

Monthly Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7pm at the Township Hall, 5153 Scenic Hwy, Honor, MI 49640

Township Office IT Support: Chris Varenhorst of Eclipse Communications answered board members questions about IT support. The township is updating/changing their service and used the public meeting to discuss and arrange for that in detail.

Sutter Road:
In “Incoming Correspondence,” it was mentioned that letters were received regarding Sutter Road. There was no additional discussion. Follow-up revealed that if we are interested in learning more about what was expressed in the letters, we can fill out a Freedom of Information Act Request (and possibly pay a fee).

Woodland Road:
There seems to be a problem with residents blocking access to the road with their vehicles. The zoning administrator will send letters to the residents indicating that this is a fire safety issue that could affect residents’ insurance coverage.

Short-term Rental Ordinance:
The planning commission will continue to discuss short-term rentals at their next meeting. It begins at 6:30 Thursday, June 15 (this Thursday). The idea is to polish the language and have it ready for people to plan for the first implementation in 2024. Once the planning commission settles on language, it will come back to the board. They will provide a notice of a public hearing, then vote.

Karen Cunningham, County Commissioner, District 3:
Commissioner Cunningham provided a list of the committees and meetings that she has been involved in over the month. These are also likely available in the notes from the Commission meetings. Especially relevant to Lake Township is a description of the drone rescue system that she saw a demonstration of (given our much-visited Lake Michigan shoreline). The drone is faster than a boat, and it has also been used to solve crimes. Commissioner Cunningham has also been attending a number of meetings dealing with protecting our environment.

Art Jeannot, County Commissioner, District 2:
The county’s strategic plan’s focus areas are:
Space issues, fiscal health, county services enhancement, and protecting public lands, as well as looking at Headlee again.

Park Committee:
The township will be engaging a consultant to discuss options for the Lake Township Park–picnic table placement, kiosk relocation, a possible pavilion, etc.

Township Cleanup is this Saturday, June 17th. You can bring the detritus of your spring cleaning to the township hall from 8 to noon. There are parameters around what is accepted, so check it out on the Township Website, linked here: Lake Township.

The next Lake Township Board of Trustees Meeting is Thursday, July 6 at 7 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Miller

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested???? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for SUBS when we are away to go to the Township meeting an do a write up. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

April 6, 2023 — Further information on the relocation of Sutter Rd by CDCC

A proposal to relocate a one-mile stretch of Sutter Road dominated discussion at the April 6 Lake Township Board meeting.

Representatives from Crystal Downs Country Club attended the meeting to discuss the proposal made to the Benzie County Road Commission regarding the potential relocation of the road. The relocation would address what the Club says are longstanding safety and environment concerns with the southernmost portion of the road, which transects Crystal Downs property. The Club has publicly expressed their concerns about the road on several other occasions, including at a public meeting held on March 9, 2023, by the Benzie County Road Commission.

At the meetings, Crystal Downs Country Club representatives shared findings from road design and engineering firm Mansfield Land Use Consultants. Doug Mansfield initially presented information about the project, including the following facts:

The concept for this project is to relocate a portion of Sutter Road to improve
known safety issues and make Club property contiguous.

The project would take place entirely on Club Property.

If the project moves forward, the road relocation would be paid for by the Club with proceeds from the sale of 10 or fewer residential lots.

The Club has hired Mansfield to perform a feasibility study and prepare engineering documents for the concept.

The Club is currently discussing a memorandum of understanding with Benzie County Road Commission to appropriately cover construction specifications and sequence of reviews.

Once these plans are finalized, the Club intends to provide detailed information and specifications for the road construction, water management and environmental measures.

Several members of the audience voiced objections or posed questions about the proposed project, including whether there is truly a safety issue on Sutter Road. CDCC representatives explained the following:

It is a fact that the current road is not constructed according to modern safety standards.

Sight distances at multiple ingress and egress points along Sutter Road, as well as vertical and horizontal curves for the speeds traveled, are measurable hazards. As they currently exist, some sections of the road should have a maximum speed of 25-35 mph, applying current road safety standards. The proposed solution comprehensively addresses all of these issues.

The Club has been on notice for several years about near misses and the potential for accidents.

By analogy, one would not wait to fix a broken step until someone was injured as a result of the known, existing hazard.

Other attendees asked whether the road relocation would be disruptive to current residents and people who use Sutter Road. Mike Morris, Director of Buildings and Grounds, said the existing road would not be decommissioned until the new road is approved and completed. He added that there could be a short period of time when single lane closure is likely, when the connections to existing roads are finished. Access for Sutter Road residents would be maintained throughout this time.

Questions were raised from the audience regarding less disruptive solutions. Morris explained that for the past 15 years, the Club has researched simpler, less disruptive solutions, in partnership with the Road Commission and Lake Township. These alternative solutions included flashing lights, signs, speed limits, tunnels, and bridges. None of these suggestions, singularly or taken together, provided satisfactory or comprehensive remedies to the multiple safety issues along Sutter Road, Morris said.

In response to questions about environmental impact, Morris said the project aims to improve the area and protect the watershed.

He also said:
The planned restoration of the old roadbed and the disrupted construction zone with native plants will offset any initial loss of trees and meadows.

The runoff from the Sutter Road and the golf course will be improved—captured and filtered in bioswales on Club property, farther away from Crystal Lake than the current drainage ditches.

No wetlands will be impacted.

Wildlife will be protected in accordance with Federal and State standards.

One of the attendees criticized the Club and the process for lack of transparency. Club President Michael Huget responded by saying the Club has attempted to be as transparent as possible. “That’s why we are here at this meeting,” Huget said. He added that he welcomes any questions from the public regarding the project. Huget can be reached at [email protected].

Report submitted by Michael Huget

April 6, 2023 — Lake Township Meeting Report
This was a regular monthly meeting of the Township Board. A portion of the meeting was dedicated to hearing the views of those attending regarding the proposal to move Sutter Road. It was a packed house. In attendance were representatives from Crystal Downs, the engineering firm they have retained and at least 35 – 40 private citizens. This report is only the discussion concerning Sutter Road.

The Board did not make a decision at this time on whether to endorse the project to the Benzie County Road Commission. They only wanted to hear what the attendees had to say. Several individuals spoke to the board about their concerns about the impact on the environment and wildlife, the highly questionable safety of the location of the proposed new intersection with M-22, the loss of a beautiful gateway to Sleeping Bear National Park, and the need for Crystal Downs to be a better neighbor in the community. The board also acknowledged the significant number of letters and emails they have received opposing the project.

After the meeting, one of the representatives of Crystal Downs approached me to express his displeasure with my comments about the maintenance carts using Sutter Road instead of the private road to the east. We discussed this for several minutes during which time I presented him with several alternative solutions. His response to each was that the club had deemed them insufficient. I asked him why, then, if the safety of their employees is so important to them, did they not act on the $500,000 bid they received almost a few years ago to build a tunnel under Sutter Road? He responded, “it wouldn’t pay for itself”. I took this to mean that they were not willing to ask the members to pay less than $1,500 each for the safety of their employees.

What’s next?

A member of Crystal Downs is trying to start a letter campaign in favor of the project. We must redouble our efforts to let both Lake Township and the Benzie County Road Commission of our opposition to the project.

You can attend the Township and Commission meetings.
Email the Township and Road Commission. Their email addresses are at the end of this letter. Both the Township and the Road Commission do not read the emails aloud during the meetings, nor do they list the senders of the messages. They merely acknowledge receipt of the correspondence, so you don’t need to worry about anonymity. Your message can be a simple as “I am against the proposal to move Sutter Road.

Do both 1. And 2.
Spread the word. Talk to your friends and neighbors or anyone else you see to let them know about this proposal. Encourage them to attend the meetings and/or join the email campaign. If they need more information, tell them to email [email protected] and I will respond with a summary of the project, reasons for opposition, and a map of the project.5. 5. Put a sign in your yard to let passers by know. I will happily drop one off for you.

As always, if you know of anyone that would appreciate these updates, please provide me with their email address.

And most important, if you have any questions, please contact me: [email protected]

Here are email addresses for Lake Township and Benzie County Road Commission

Lake Township
Jeff Johnson, Supervisor: [email protected]
Anna Grobe, Clerk: [email protected]
Gunnar Brow, Assessor: [email protected]
Marryanne Goodman, Treasurer: [email protected]
Josh Mills, Zoning Administrator: [email protected]
John Rothauer, Planning Commission Chairman: [email protected]

Benzie County Road Commission
Robert Rosa, Chairman: [email protected]
Jim Bowers, Vice-Chairman: bower, [email protected]
Paul Beechraft, Member: [email protected]
Matt Skeels, Manager: [email protected]

The Lake Township Board meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at the township hall, 5153 Scenic Hwy (M-22), Honor (just north of Riverside Canoes on the Platte River. The next meeting is May 4.

The Benzie County Road Commission meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 9:30 am at their offices located at 11318 Main St. in Honor. The next meeting is April 13

Respectfully submitted by Mark Tarkington


March 2, 2023 — Lake Township Meeting Report
5153 Scenic Hwy (M22)
Honor, Michigan 49640
7 p.m.

FYI: Lake Township has a useful website at:

Township meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 7:00, and residents are welcome to attend. Public comment periods available at the beginning and the end of the agenda. Office hours are M 9-12; W 9-3; and F 9-12. The Township maintains the Lake Township Park at the mouth of the Platte River.

Dick Taylor, former president of the Friends of the Point Betsie Lighthouse: Donations are needed toward an upgrade of the shoreline protection system (whose last major upgrade was in 1944). The state of Michigan awarded the project $5.2 million. It is a $7-9 million dollar project. County and Township dollars are needed to leverage private donations.

Joel Gaff, Ironman Race Director:
Ironman 2023 will be held on Sunday, September 17th 2023. It is the third year for this location. The times, routes, etc. will be the same as before. Important note: The race is seeking nonprofit groups who are willing to help with the race and apply for grant money from Ironman. Boy Scout groups, School athletic clubs, and other groups are welcome. They need 800-1000 volunteers. Last year $19,400 was awarded to Benzie County groups. This race is reported to rank very high on the “Athlete’s Choice” survey of events throughout the country.

Mike Cederholm, Fire Report:
There is concern about lack of radio coverage for emergency responders, who sometimes lose contact in urgent situations. The proposed radio tower in Frankfort is expected to help with this and he urges contact with our legislators to move this along for public safety.

Lake Township is included in both District 2 and District 3

Karen Cunningham, County Commissioner, District 3:
We are encouraged to include proactive guidelines in our Master Plans to deal with PFAS.

Art Jeannot, County Commissioner, (District 2):
The county is considering hiring a Parks & Rec supervisor.

Planning Commission:
Public hearing for Lake Township’s Master Plan will be April 6, with approval planned for the regular May 4 meeting.

Parks and Recreation Committee:
The township will be engaging a consultant to discuss options for the Lake Township Park–picnic table placement, kiosk relocation, a possible pavilion, etc.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Miller
website at:


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