
  • Lisa Brown, Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, to Speak in Manistee

    Lisa Brown, the Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, the woman who was silenced in the Republican-controlled Michigan Legislature for speaking out for women’s rights, will be the keynote speaker at…

  • Benzie County Convention Call

    The Benzie County Democratic Convention will be held on Saturday, August 16 at our headquarters located at 9930 Honor Hwy (just east of the Cherry Bowl Drive In Theater in the…

  • March Schauer Visiting Benzie on Aug. 1

    Mark Schauer, our Democratic Party candidate for Governor of Michigan, will be visiting Benzie County on Friday, August 1, 2014, 4 – 5 pm. He will join us at the Bayview Grille in Frankfort to…

  • Meeting Scheduled for July 12

    Unlike  recent years, when no July meeting was held, a regular meeting of The Benzie County Democratic Headquarters has been scheduled for Saturday, July 12, 10 am, Benzonia Township Hall.

  • The “Big Push” Event

    Dan Scripps will join us as master of ceremonies on August 10, 4:30 – 7 pm for this local campaign fund-raiser. Other guests include candidates U.S. Senate candidate Gary Peters,…

  • Lily Farm Reception for Jerry Cannon

    You’re invited to a Sunday, July 20, 3 – 5 pm, reception at the Betsie River Centennial Lily Farm to meet candidate Jerry Cannon (First Congressional District) and support his candidacy.…

  • Chicken BBQ is June 28

    Saturday, June 28 is the date for this year’s Annual Chicken BBQ which will be held at Maley Park in Honor. Dinners will be available at noon and last until the…

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If you'd rather donate by check, mail it to the address on our Membership Form. Please print, fill out and send along our MAIL-IN MEMBERSHIP FORM

Benzie Democrats Calendar
